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Darjeeling Express

Second Daughters Fund

Updated: Feb 2, 2022

Supporting the forgotten

A percentage of all proceeds from our restaurant, Darjeeling Express will go to a charitable cause near to my heart

Largely in traditional India, sons are still preferred over daughters. Second daughters are even less so. Instead of vibrant celebrations complete with fireworks and Indian mithai for welcoming boys, sometimes births of a second girl are mourned. And these innocent girls carry the hurt and disadvantage for the rest of their upbringings.

No girl should ever be made to feel like a burden on their families. They deserve the same opportunities and celebrations as any other sibling. From the money raised, we plan to send celebration packages for the birth of the second daughter and continue to support her through her education.

If you would like to contribute, please donate on this Second Daughter's fundraising page or feel free to drop by the restaurant, located in Kingly Court on Carnaby St.

Donate Now at my GoFundMe page (link below)

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